07 August, 2018

Things To Know Before Traveling To Eastern Europe

   Traveling is fun it gives you the opportunity to see new things both positive things and negative things. It allows you to meet new people speaking new languages and having unique cultures which are different from where you come from. You also get opportunities to experience there culture their food their nightlife and their opposite sex. You get a lifeline to do crazy things and at the same time enjoy life and understand the meaning of life. Eastern Europe should be at the top of the to-do list of junkie travelers.There are many things which you need to understand before booking a flight to visit countries in Eastern Europe.
People in Eastern Europe have a special way of doing things, they are used to smoking every time and anywhere. Your clothes, hair and your body will always smell like you have clubbed all night. So if you are a non-smoker tighten your belt if you still want to go there or if you are a smoking maniac then you will enjoy smoking even in state-owned building branded Croatia property. You will just enjoy puffing your smoke in spirals without a single care of getting arrested.
You will have to endure a pee and a pooh which smells different. It might be the change in the food you are used to eating or it might be the smell of cigarettes emanating from everywhere in your vicinity. The different smell in your biological emissions should not stop you from enjoying life in Eastern Europe, live wild and enjoy every moment without thinking about such a common issue to visitors there.
While eating your lunch or supper in Eastern Europe please please go for dry smoked beef, wet smoked beef tastes and looks like you are eating raw hamburger. I will not recommend you to eat rooster offal for your dinner, lunch or breakfast because it is just a rooster testicle. Don't be lied to by how much mushroom gravy are on them at any cost don't eat them I repeat. People in Eastern Europe are used to drinking their juice with bits of fruits floating on them but if you are not comfortable with that just use bottled water. The inhabitants of Eastern Europe are used to pushing their way up to the front of the lines so if you think of being courteous just leave your manners at the airport while checking in to any Eastern Europe airport. Remember the saying that goes by doing what Romans do in Rome hence behave how Eastern Europe people behave while staying in their place and push your way to the top of the line. Showing body parts by women in Eastern Europe is their norm it is as normal as eating chips with ketchup so if you like irrigating your eyes with flesh then just visit Eastern Europe during summer. You will have enough flesh to see by the time you go home you will have seen enough to last you a whole year. So for those who want to experience these another side of life where you just see what you want to see then welcome to Eastern Europe. Make sure you pack enough snacks while in Eastern Europe because you never know where you will get stuck either by bus or train and there is no food on board. That is all, for now, visit Eastern Europe to enjoy and experience life. 

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