07 August, 2018

Best way to reheat tamales.

Image result for TamalesTamales are a dish which originates from Mexico it is made from maize meal dough mixed with vegetables, chilies, beans etc. It can be made in different ways, if you have leftovers tamales there are varies way to heat them. I am going to answer your questions including how to reheat tamales, just exercise patience and you will learn a lot.

Using the stove to reheat your tamales.

The first method I will go in-depth in analyzing how it is done is reheating tamales using a stove. First I will issue a warning to my readers use these process if you have enough patience and time to watch as your tamales reheat to avoid them from burning. These process will give you crispy and sweet tamales there will be no additional fats if you use these process. It involves using a stainless steel cookware and a stove.
Prepare the tamales by removing the husks and throw them to the trash bin, your tamales won't be sweeter if you cook it without removing the husks. Preparation is always good if you want to get the best out of any procedure.
The next step involves pouring olive oil into the stainless steel cookware once the stove is on the stove. Make sure your stove is working well and its heating system is perfect, wait for the process to start producing some little smoke. Do not rush the process just control the heat from the stove and wait for the pan to release a little smoke.
The next step involving placing the tamales in the pan. Gently place the tamales into the stove and look for a clean lid and cover the pan. Make sure the lid does not have any water dropping from it wipe it carefully to remove any water on it before covering the pan. If water is on the lid it may mess up the process which is going on well.
Continue cooking the tamales while flipping after every two to three minutes. This is a very important stage, doing these step perfectly will decide the outcome of the final results. If it is done perfectly then the outcome will be perfect and also if it is not done perfectly the outcome will not be very pleasant. So to have great result have a full concentration while doing the process.
 Continue cooking the tamales until you get the desired color. When the tamales turn brownish on the external and crispy then it is good for consumption. Be careful about this stage because it is vital and you might end up with over-cooked tamales if you leave it for too long. And also, the tamales might be under-cooked if it is removed from the stove faster when it is no ye ready. Lack of patience can cause you to have under-cooked tamales on your table to be cool and take your time, the average time for cooking tamales is five to ten minutes to check your clocks for perfect results.

Reheat the tamales using an oven.

Using oven to reheat tamales can bring the best results hence it is the best way to reheat tamales. It brings the best flavors out of the tamales because it takes time and also the tamales is heated evenly. Tamales reheated out of the oven brings the best out of the tamales. All sides of the tamales are reached by the heat. No one particular spot is over-heated so there is no fear of having a tamale which is not okay to be distributed for sale.
The oven needs to be set at 218.3 degrees Celsius. Set the oven to 218.3 degrees Celsius and preheat it to get it ready for the tamales to be inserted into the oven. Preheating the oven allows the equipment inside the oven to be at the same temperature before you start cooking the tamales. Using the oven to reheat the tamales takes most time as compared to other methods.
The next procedure is taking your tamales and wrapping them using a foil. Wrap each tamales using a foil make sure it goes four or three times per tamales. After the wrapping push to remove any air stuck in the tamales or which the foil has held. Cooking the tamales with air in the foils will blunder the process so take caution.
The next step is putting the wrapped tamales into the oven tray. Put them gently in the lower tray and also make sure there is some space between each tamales wrapping. The spacing allows each tamales space to get heat which is distributed all over the surface of the tamales.
Cook the tamales for a timeframe of exactly 20 minutes. Flip the tamales after ten minutes to avoid one side from overcooking. This is a vital step because if you can not flip the tamales after ten minutes it will overheat on one side and also if you leave the tamales for longer than 20 minutes the tamales will also overheat. So be observant and timely to avoid such occurrence from happening since one mistake and our tamales won't be perfect.

Another method is to use the microwave.

Using microwave is the shortest and quick way of cooking tamales. But it won't bring the crispy and brown tamales as the previous two procedures. It is considered a lazy man way of doing things choose this method if you are very hungry and don't have time to cook delicious brown tamales from the other procedures.
Start by de-freezing the tamales if it is frozen. Put the tamales in the refrigerator for one day, never try to cook tamales which are freezing it will remain cold and uncooked at the center of it.
The next step involves wrapping the tamales with a wet paper towel. Wrapping the tamales with a wet paper towel will make them not to dry and break while cooking, as a result, we shall have a great tamale cooked within a short period of time.
Put the tamales inside a microwave and let them heat for just 15 seconds. Don't overcook it or don't undercook it 15 seconds is enough to have a fully cooked tamale. Avoid recooking the tamales by putting it back into the microwave, after the microwave has stopped unwrap the tamales from the paper towels.
Wrap the tamales in another paper towels. This is to get it ready for the next process of cooking the tamales. After wrapping it in the paper towel, set the microwave for 15 minutes and place the tamales. After the time elapsed check if the outer husk is hard to keep doing so until the outer husk is hard. Then you will have your tamales ready to be consumed.

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