15 August, 2018

SWK201e Legal & Ethical Issues in Helping Professions Tutor-Marked Assignment July 2018 Presentation

TUTOR-MARKED ASSIGNMENT (TMA) This assignment is worth 35% of the final mark for SWK201e Legal and Ethical Issues in Helping Professions. The cut-off date for this assignment is Monday, 2nd of September 2018 2355. Assignment guidelines: 1. Please include a cover page that shows the title of the course, the assignment topic, the submission date, your name and student ID. 2. The total length of your paper should not be more than 1400 words. It should be typewritten, double-spaced, with 1-inch margin all round, and ‘Times New Roman’ fontsize 12. The file name should be in this format: FullName_TMA01 3. Plagiarism and collusion are forms of cheating and are entirely unacceptable. SUSS has extremely strict procedures for dealing with plagiarism and collusion. Please ensure that you do not inadvertently commit these offences by quoting and referencing correctly according to APA guidelines. 4. Provide at least 2 other references (besides your textbook) and cite them in APA format.

Question 1
You are a social worker of a youth work organisation, providing school social work. The Health Promotion Board has engaged your organisation to provide the Youth Sexuality Program in secondary schools. Recently, after running a psychoeducation group for 16 year-old students in a school, one of the students Xavier came to see you. He looked very distressed and wanted to see you for some advice. Apparently, he had been experiencing painful sensation when he urinates. He has also observed unusual sores around his sexual organ. Xavier admitted that he was curious about sex and had followed some older friends to engage in paid sex. They usually looked for prostitutes who advertised their services online. On a few occasions, Xavier had unprotected sex. Xavier was extremely worried that he might be infected with a sexually transmitted disease (STD). However, he had not gone to seek medical help as he did not want his parents to know. He also did not know how to handle if he was found to have contracted HIV/AIDS. Xavier told you that if that was to happen, he would be devastated.
1. Identify and discuss clearly the ethical problem presented in this case.
2. Using the Ethical Principle Screen Model, explain how you would resolve this ethical problem. You have to apply every principle in the EPS. If a particular principle is not relevant in the case, you have to explain why it is not relevant. Your paper should be properly formatted to discuss the 2 relevant sections, keeping to a word limit of 1,400 words.



Based on the case, identify ethical problems.
Based on the case there are ethical problems which have been encountered. Ethics is the aspect of living in the right way whether by following laws which govern the nation or through habits which are accepted by the society. Having taken these into consideration now a clear point of discussion about our topic kicks in. The topic is very sensitive to our generation because it affects younger members of the society. The issue which involves minors engaging in paid sex with adults is very serious and necessary steps need to be taken to address these issue. These issue of sex between minors and adults is a major factor to me as a social worker. There were many ethical problems which were encountered in these case of Xavier who is a minor.
There was an instance where the taboo of the society was broken. The aspect of minors paying prostitutes who are adults so that they can have sex with them is a big issue. Ias we all understand that prostitutes are not perceived well in the society they are taken as out-casts who bring bad image to the community. So the kids including Xavier breached the way in which the community viewed these prostitutes and in the process committing a taboo. It is not allowed for teenagers to be running up and down paying money for sex. There is a high probability that the money used was given to them by their parents.
According to the case, there is an absolute corruption of the teenage morals. The reality of going around and influencing each other by the students to buy sex from prostitutes is a total moral decay. The norm is unacceptable because the students behaved in a manner which is contrary to what is expected of them. The prostitutes who allowed the kids to have sex with them knowing well that they are under-age lack morals. The prostitutes should envision their sons doing the same act. They should have acted responsibly and denied them the opportunity to do sex and report them to police even anonymously. Acting in that manner could have helped the young Xavier the troubles of dealing with possible Sexual Transmitted Disease and even possible Aids infection. The prostitutes should have also ensured that the teenagers wear a condom if it was a must they engage in sexual activities with them.
Another ethical problem visible in the case is that there is minor corruption. Which needs to be addressed by teaching kids well when they are younger. The kids should understand that such behaviors corrupts the mind and the soul and will only be led to downfalls and bad grades. The aspect of a minor being corrupted needs to be addressed by both teachers and mainly parents. The parents should follow all the materials which the teenage has access to online. Such behaviors can be caused by lack of proper monitoring and also education to the younger generation. The parent needs to monitor what their kids watch while browsing online because there are a lot of materials online which can corrupt the mind and soul of the kids. The parents should ensure their cable television are censored and also their home internet is closely monitored and sexual material sites are censored.
According to my view to these case, there is an aspect of unprofessional behavior. These ethical problems exist in the case the only problem is that I am not sure if prostitution is a profession. Some suggest it is the oldest profession in the world. The prostitute who had sex with Xavier behaved in an unprofessional manner by having sex with a client without ensuring proper protection such as a condom. The prostitute acted in a reckless way and could endanger the lives of her clients. She could also be endangering her life through such acts which can cause them to be infected with disease or even get pregnant to unwanted and unplanned for baby.
Based on the case, identify ethical dilemma.
An ethical dilemma arises when an individual is at a problem to choose between choices. The agent or individual in our case is Xavier who had a choice to make of either telling his parents, keeping quiet or seeking for help from a professional. The agent Xavier was having problems while urinating after engaging in unprotected sex with prostitutes. He had sores on his private parts because he had not sought medical help because his parents would know of it. He feared his parents because he did not know how they would react to the issue. Keeping quiet had also affected him because the sexually transmitted disease was eating him up he needed help quickly. The option he had was seeking help from the professionals who will help him advise him and keep secret about it.
Another major dilemma which Xavier had to face was about HIV and AIDS. He was at a crossroad because he did not know how to handle the fact if he had been exposed to the virus and had not sought medical help. Xavier was a dilemma in such instance that he did not know how to handle the news if he had been infected with Aids. He also did not want his parents to learn of such news which can be received badly. He was hoping for the best because he had no other option but to just hope that he is HIV negative.
As per my assumptions, social workers have an obligation of trying to correct such wrong-doings in the society. They can achieve so by reporting such matters to the right governmental bodies which are tasked with handling the issue and bringing it to an end. I hope the social worker responsible for reporting the case of Xavier reported to the school administration and also the policing arm of government so that the prostitutes can be arrested. There are sections in the law which states the professionals should report such acts to the responsible bodies so that necessary steps can be followed to curb such behaviors.

Richard, C. (2011). Ethical problems (the list). Retrieved from https://mediacultureclass.wordpress.com/2011/11/21/ethical-problems-the-list/
The New Social Worker. (2012). What Is an Ethical Dilemma?. Retrieved from http://www.socialworker.com/feature-articles/ethics-articles/What_Is_an_Ethical_Dilemma%3F/

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