08 August, 2018

Clickfunnels versus Wordpress

Image result for Clickfunnels vs WordpressWordpress versus Clickfunnel and Clickfunnel versus Wordpress is a comparison which investors intending to invest in building leads are always asking themselves. The potential investors need to understand exactly what they want to be able to achieve his or her business goals. Both ClickFunnel and WordPress offer the same service but both have additional services which can benefit your organizations if you use them. Clickfunnel is a packed platform with the custom-made template it is also dedicated and build around sales funnels idea. Depending on your business needs both WordPress and Clickfunnel have many advantages. Choosing the one you need depends on your budget, you need to ask yourself. How much do I want to invest? And also how much can these business make per year?

Features of both Clickfunnel.
Allows building of pages with only drag and drop functionality.
Allows sending of products information to the right customers.
Allows users to design pages to get the information they want from their customers.
Allows users to send SMS and emails following up with their customers.
Has an option for creating membership logins for their customers.
Features of both Wordpress.
They have social media sharing capabilities.
 Has a responsive design.
Allow the use of SEO.
They give their clients the opportunity to design a site with many pages.
They have an auto-upgrade option and also a strong support system

why one should choose click funnel and not Wordpress.
Clickfunnel was created by marketers with the main intentions of being used by fellow marketers in boosting their sales. It is a system which was primarily made for improving sales. And the people who designed and made them are marketers who understand how their world revolves. It was made specifically for sales it is not a general purpose system so it is the best suit in improving sales of an organization. Clickfunnel is better than WordPress because it was designed and made by people who have vast experience in the sales industry and they know exactly what marketers need. They also know exactly how the buyers want marketers to present them with information about the goods and ultimately the sale of that product.
There are a great support and enough tutorial showing how to use the system. Since many of the salespeople lack basic coding skills there is enough information on the website on how to get started. And if users are stuck in some functionality their have a strong support which is ready to gladly ready to help the marketer. The system was made for everyone they took consideration of every individual who is interested in using their system.
Easy integration free from any bugs. The system developed their system to be easy to integrate with payment processors. The users only have to input their payment processors accounts and the system will configure the system such that when clients are paying to the Clickfunnel user’s site money is paid to their account hassle-free. Also, autoresponders have been configured the users only have to input the message they want the users to see when they are not online, which has simplified the whole stressing aspect of coding and configuring autoresponder functionality. The marketers who conceived the idea of click funnel and designed it exactly knew the mode of payments the marketers used to receive payments for sales made and they also knew which mode the clients used to pay for the goods. They had a general idea on how the sales industry works hence coming up with the easy to use payment processor capabilities.
Clickfunnel is cloud-based which means their clients do not have a hosting fee to pay. These give them an edge over their competitors Wordpress client’s don't have an extra hassle of paying for their hosting or hosting renewable fees. The cloud-based technology is the latest technology in the market which means Clickfunnel is assured of security which comes with cloud-based systems. Clients always want their money making systems to be secure from attacks which can cause them direct monetary loose or indirect monetary loose such has been put out of business by hackers.
It has an easy interface for building the site. It uses the drag and drops technology which makes it possible for anyone to build websites just like a professional does it. It makes it usable by everyone even high school kids with basic computer skills to build himself or herself a successful Clickfunnel sales system without asking for the help of paying a web-developer. It allows the user to build the entire marketing funnel and also there is an inbuilt membership function which is another plus. The Clickfunnel as a referral program which can be used to reward people who help in bringing new clients into your sales funnel.

The difference between click funnel and Wordpress.
Clickfunnel versus Wordpress or Wordpress versus Clickfunnel is a topic with differences both are aimed at making sales for an investor. Wordpress is more preferred by bloggers who are dedicated to using SEO to get free traffic from google, yahoo and Bing search engine. The bloggers need to come up with articles which can capture traffic from the search engines when the users have keyed in the keyword and searched using the search engine. But there are other plugins which can be added to the world press to make it to a sales guru the plugin is called ProfitBuilder 2.0.
Clickfunnel is for those chaps who prefer quick success which the system gives through it tested and proven system.  The system can be used to create squeeze pages which the main functionality is capturing leads which are fundamental when monetizing your system. Also, Clickfunnel can be used for building email campaigns which can be an instant hit when used correctly. Another option of making more income from Clickfunnel is by funnel sales which can maximize your returns within a short period. Another way to reach success faster using Clickfunnel is by investing some money in advertising you Clickfunnel. This advertising attracts more traffic which can be easily turned to monetary value. As we all know that online sales depend on the traffic attracted huge traffic means fat checks and vice versa for light traffic.
In my honest opinion, I will recommend any individual or organization to take advantage of both Clickfunnel and Wordpress to get the best out of the two systems for their business to thrive. Since combining the two will help in maximizing traffic hence huge returns will be realized. Everyone goes into business with an aim of making money so the maximizing use of the two systems helps in getting the best for the business. The business will be advantaged because both the two systems will compliment each other and bring success to the business in the long and short run.

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