07 August, 2018

Formula One Racing is Fun But Safety Should Come First.

Safety is the number one priority while driving a formula one automotive because there are speeding at a very high speed probably 200km/hr. A look at the real risks of Formula One driving is imminent if steps of safeguarding the sport were not put in place since 20 to 30 cars moving at an average speed of 200km/hr each one of them can bring a catastrophic end to the drivers. Over the previous years which marked the pioneer of formula one races more attention was spent on making the vehicle to be more faster on the racing tracks. After the accident which caused the demise of Roland Ratzenberger and Ayrton Senna while racing in San Marino Grand Prix which happened in the year 1994. Many companies took an initiative of making safety more paramount while racing to avoid such occurrence. Another driver who is a victim of the Grand Prix accident is Jules Bianchi who passed away nine months later after the accident, he suffered from head injuries during the accident which took place in Japanese Grand Prix in the year 2014. They have been many crashes but thanks to the highlight put about by the companies their drivers walk out sometimes unscratched. Taking into account the speed these speed monster storm the racing tracks walking out of those crashes alife might seem like a miracle but it is not, it is the safety mechanisms installed in the vehicles and also on the racing tracks.
Another area which ensures the driver’s safety is fitness, the formula one driver should be varied fit they are rated among the fittest sportsmen around. They should be fit because during navigation of fast corners very huge amount of force is exerted on the driver if they are not fit it might even snap their head. The newer designs of formula one cars have a technology which has a huge downforce which can create a g-force which is greater than the 6g when the car is diverting fastest corners in the racing track. The force exerted to the driver is great plus the weight added to the neck of the driver from the heavy helmet they wear which has more safety mechanism installed. The drivers use much equipment used to train their necks it simulates when they are inside the formula one car driving. It forces exerted to their neck region during the simulation strengthens the neck region and prepares the driver for the actual driving. It makes the neck region harden and ready for the force exerted on him/her and also the bumpy ride along the fastest corners of the racing track. The drivers also are trained to be able to apply brakes constantly when navigating the racing tracks, especially when turning the fast corners. Also, the hands, shoulders, head and other parts of the essential body parts are put into exercise to strain them to create endurance and also muscles needed to drive in the fast racing tracks.
The heart beats of the driver racing can triple the heart rate of a normal human being, they are trained to endure such difficult conditions. Also, the driver's cockpit is very hot and the drivers can lose up to three kilograms while racing just through sweating. They are given supplements and also enough water to prevent them to be dehydrated during the races and after finishing. The drivers also have to have enough stamina to be able to endure the racing. They built their stamina through weight lifting but they should be cautious to avoid over-lifting which can hinder them in their cockpit during racing. Also running and jogging builds stamina which will help them in their racing track. Another technique used by the drivers is cycling which builds the stamina and endurance needed by the drivers during racing. Driving in fast corners can cause the driver’s knees and elbows to be bruised so the formula one car are fitted with a safety mechanism which makes sure the driver's safety comes first. The formula one cars are fitted with the best traction and stability controls technologies to ensure that the cars can be controlled and driven easily. They are also fitted with state of the art fire fighting system which can be switched on by the driver inside the car and also there is a switch outside the car. Since the racing track can be messy and fire can cause a disaster the fire engine can work even when electricity is not working. 

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