07 August, 2018

More About Diabetes.

Diabetes is a condition which is caused by the presence of high blood glucose content in the blood stream. It is brought about where the hormone called insulin is not performing its duties well, it does not help the glucose in the bloodstream to enter the cells to give them energy. Due to the lack of energy in the body cells, they are not able to function well in doing their day-to-day activities hence causes a complication in the body. There are two types of diabetes namely type one diabetes and type two diabetes. Type one diabetes the body is not able to make insulin hence there is no hormone which can ease entry of glucose to cells to give them energy. Type two diabetes happens when insulin is not made in the body or when insulin available in the body is not used to ease the entry of glucose to cells to give it energy. There is another condition which causes the bloodstream to have high contents of glucose but not high enough to be referred to as diabetes this condition is referred to as prediabetes. Prediabetes gives you a higher risk of obtaining diabetes type two.

Diabetes is a long-term ailment which can take a long time before being diagnosed correctly. There are some symptoms which can be seen early if someone is ailing from diabetes. The urgency of urinating regularly is the number one symptom of diabetes since there is a lot of glucose in the body which forces the kidneys to work overtime to try to clean and absorb the excess glucose available in the bloodstream. Also due to more work was given to the kidney some of the sugar would not be able to be filtered hence it will stay with the body fluid and it will be passed as urine. The urgency of regular urination will leave the body dehydrated hence there will be more and frequent urgency to drink more water to replace the water which has been loosed from the body. The body will also feel fatigue regularly because there is no proper use of glucose in the body. Also, the dehydration will cause the body to fall tired because there is not enough water in the body, also the fatigue will be caused by the condition where the body is not working correctly. There will be also a great body lose witnessed with the person suffering from diabetes. This is brought about because the constant urination will also cause the person to lose calories.

The food consumed and broken down into glucose will not be able to fully reach the body cells which causes the person to feel constant hunger at nearly all the times. All these issues will cause the person to lose weight it will be worse if the person is suffering from diabetes type one. Persons suffering from diabetes can have a blurred vision this is brought about by the state where body fluids are pulled from their body tissues which also involve their lenses. These cause the persons to lack focus and if it is not treated new blood vessels will form damaging the already existing blood vessels. Excessive glucose in the bloodstream can cause nerve system to be damaged. Damage nerve system can cause the person suffering from diabetes to have no feeling of touch between their toes and fingers.

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