21 August, 2018

COIT20264 Network Design (HT2, 2018)

Assessment Item 1 - Written Assessment

Due date: Part A:
On-campus students - During the workshop (Weeks 7);
Distance students - Discuss with Unit Coordinator
Part B: 08:00am AEST, Monday, Week 9 ASSESSMENT  
Weighting: Part A: 10%; Part B: 30% 1  
Length: Part A: Maximum of 10 minutes for presenting and       5 minutes for answering the questions and the discussion.
Part B: No word count limit.

This assessment task relates to Unit Learning Outcomes 1 to 5 and can be undertaken in a group of up to 4 students or individually. Distance students can form groups with on-campus students as well. Using top-down network design methodology, you will develop your logical network design based on the scenario given on page 5 of this document. You may make any justifiable assumptions but you should mention them wherever you use. You are also expected to contribute to the Group Discussion Forum in Moodle by finding the answers to the recommended weekly group discussion questions. This assessment task has two parts, Part A and Part B.

Part A of Assessment Task
All students
In Part A of this assessment task, you will create and deliver an oral presentation on your logical network design and receive feedback from your peers and/or the tutor. The presentation should include the answers to the weekly discussion questions Q2 of Week 4, Q2 of Week 5 and Q2 of Week 6.

On-Campus students
On-campus students should deliver their presentations during their workshop in week 7. You will be required to work in groups of up to 4 or individually. The maximum duration for the presentation of your group will be 15 minutes, including 5 minutes for answering the questions and any discussion. This time frame will be strictly enforced due to time constraints.

Please note that the presentations must be completed on the scheduled day. If your group does not present on the scheduled day, each member of the group will receive 0 marks for Part A unless you have a valid reason supported by evidence such as a medical certificate. This also applies to any member of the group who does not present with the group on the scheduled day.

Distance students
Distance students should contact the unit coordinator by the end of week 3 and agree for a suitable presentation method and time. You (or the group) could also record your presentation and uploaded to YouTube with a link provided in the presentation slides. Answering of questions could then be undertaken via telephone at a mutually agreed time. You should complete your presentations in week 7 of the term.

Note: You must follow the Harvard citation and referencing guidelines when preparing your presentation slides.
Check the unit website at least once a week for further information relating to this part of the assessment task. Please ensure that you prepare your presentation slides in your own words to avoid possible plagiarism and copyright violation. You can understand the Plagiarism Procedures by following the corresponding link in the CQUniversity Policies section of the Unit Profile.

Assessment Criteria for Part A
In Part A of this assessment task, you are assessed mainly against your ability to analyse the given scenario and document and present a logical network design using the top-down network design methodology. The marking criteria for Part A of this assessment task are provided on page 3. You need to familiarise yourself with the marking criteria to ensure that you have addressed them when preparing and presenting your logical network design.
Each one of you in the group receives the same mark if you deliver your presentation on the scheduled day.

Marks of presentations will not be released to you until they have been moderated by the Unit Coordinator.

Marking Criteria for Part A

Criteria HD D C P F Max Mark Mark
  1 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.4 0  
1. Presentation structure:
a. Introduction
Introduce you and your group members, and the presentation road map. Aim to engage your audience from the beginning of the presentation. Contained all aspects. Contained all aspects but presentation road map was not clear Contained all aspects but poor engagement of audience. One aspect missing. Two or more aspects missing. 1
5 4.25 3.75 3.25 2.4 1.2  
b. Body
Marks will be given for the quality of the content that you deliver. The content must explain your logical design supported by the outcomes of specified weekly discussion questions. You cannot earn more than 1.2 marks without addressing the specified weekly discussion questions. Covered all information in detail. Covered all information but not enough detail. One or two items missing. Three or four items missing. Specified weekly discussion questions have not been addressed or most information missing. 5  
1 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.4  
c. Conclusion
Summarise the key points that you presented in the body. Contained all points. One point missing. Two points missing. Three points missing. Four or more points missing. 1  
2. Delivery
Do not read the full text, practice and keep to the time limit.
Use the time carefully without rushing at the end. Very clear delivery and within time. Very clear delivery and within time but rushed at the end. Not very clear delivery but within time. Not clear delivery and rushed at the end. Took more than 10 minutes. 1  
2 1.7 1.3 1 0  
3. Questions
Coping with questions at the end of the presentation (the telephone interview for the distance students). Answers to both questions were correct. Answer to only one question was correct. Answers to both questions were not very correct. Answers to both questions were incorrect. Could not answer the questions. 2  
4. Presentation slides
Ensure that the slide contents are clearly visible to entire audience and your slides are well–prepared and useful.
Use your slides effectively (i.e. integrated into the presentation). Prepared very well as specified with all key information. Prepared very well as specified with all key information but too small font. Contained all key information but too much text on slides. Lacked in information. Not clear or most information missing. 2  
Total 12

Part B of Assessment Task
In Part B of the assessment task, you will produce a written report of your logical network design taking the oral feedback that you received on your presentation in Part A of the assessment task into consideration.
Your report should include:
1) List of Business Goals and Constraints
2) List of Technical Goals and Tradeoffs
3) Table of User Communities, Data Stores, Network Applications and Traffic Flows
4) Model for addressing and naming
5) Explanation and justification of the logical network design
6) Logical network diagram(s) including addressing and naming
7) Discussion of routing and switching protocols
8) Discussion of security mechanisms
You should not include an executive summary, a table of contents, an introduction or a conclusion.

Note: You must follow the Harvard citation and referencing guidelines when writing your report.
Check the unit website at least once a week for further information relating to Part B of the assessment task. Please ensure that you write your report in your own words to avoid possible plagiarism and copyright violation. You can understand the Plagiarism Procedures by following the corresponding link in the CQUniversity Policies section of the Unit Profile.

Assessment Criteria for Part B
In Part B of this assessment task, you are assessed mainly on your ability to analyse the given scenario and design & document a logical network using the top-down network design methodology. The marking criteria for Part B of this assessment task are provided on page 6.
You need to familiarise yourself with the marking criteria to ensure that you have addressed them when preparing your logical network design report.

Each one of you in the group must upload the same presentation slides and the same written report to Moodle on or before the due date.

The Scenario for Network Design Assessment Tasks
Your company in Australia specialises in designing networks for local and international clients. Your company has signed a contract with NTN private nursing school located in Sydney, Australia to design their network.
The main campus of NTN is located in Sydney and the satellite campuses are located in Darwin and Cairns. NTN has made agreements with three private hospitals in Sydney, Darwin and Cairns to provide the internship and training to the students of the nursing school. All three private hospitals have Wi-Fi access points that can provide a minimum of 100Mbps data rate to a user. The 2-storey buildings of main and satellite campuses are less than 200m away from the corresponding private hospitals. Each campus building is approximately 15m wide and 40m long.
Lecture, tutorial and laboratory classes are conducted in the campus in Sydney and they are live-video streamed to the satellite campuses forming a virtual classroom. The instructors and the students in the satellite campuses can directly communicate with the lecturer in the Sydney campus when a virtual class is in progress. At any time, there will be at most 200 students in the main campus and a maximum of 100 students in each satellite campus participating in a virtual class. However, these numbers are expected to double within the next couple of years.
NTN also plans to provide a telemedicine and healthcare service to the community in a radius of about 200km from each satellite campus by having a small mobile team of doctors and nursing students. The mobile team in Darwin as well as in Cairns provide consultations and services to the needy patients at their homes. The mobile teams travel around in a specially equipped vehicles called the home-care vehicles, however, unlike in the conventional ambulance services, they do not carry the emergency patients to the hospitals. The mobile team should be able to scan/photograph and send the reports of the patients immediately to the corresponding private hospital and communicate directly with the medical staff there via the network in the home-care vehicle.
Using the top-down network design methodology, you are to design the networks of the main campus, satellite campuses and the home-care vehicles. You are allowed to make assumptions in relation to business and technical goals if they are really required for undertaking your network design. Each step of your network design should clearly explain and justify how you satisfy the business and technical goals.
Note: This scenario was created by Dr Rohan de Silva on 12th December 2014 and no part of this scenario should be reproduced by any individual or organisation without written permission from CQUniversity, Australia.

Marking Criteria for Part B

Criteria HD D C P F Max Mark Mark  
  3 2.55 2.5 2.25 2 1.95 1.9 1.5 1.4 0.7 0  
1) List of Business Goals and Constraints Thorough accurate list. One or two items missing. Three or four items missing. More than four items missing. Not clear or most information missing. 3  
2) List of Technical Goals and Tradeoffs Thorough accurate list. One or two items missing. Three or four items missing. More than four items missing. Not clear or most information missing. 3  
3) Table of User Communities, Data Stores, Network Applications and Traffic Flows Thorough accurate table. One or two items missing. Three or four items missing. More than four items missing. Not clear or most information missing. 3  
4) Model for addressing and naming Thorough accurate model. One or two items missing. Three or four items missing. More than four items missing. Not clear or most information missing. 3  
HD D C P F  
4 3.4 3.3 3 2.9 2.6 2.5 2 1.9 0.95 0  
5) Explanation and justification of the logical network design Covered all information in detail. Covered all information but not enough detail. One or two items missing. Three or four items missing. Not clear or most information missing. 4  
6) Logical network diagram(s) including addressing and naming Covered all information in detail. Covered all information but not enough detail. One or two items missing. Three or four items missing. Not clear or most information missing. 4  
7) Discussion of routing and switching protocols Covered all information in detail. Covered all information but not enough detail. One or two items missing. Three or four items missing. Not clear or most information missing. 4  
8) Discussion of security mechanisms Covered all information in detail. Covered all information but not enough detail. One or two items missing. Three or four items missing. Not clear or most information missing. 4  
  Copy the presentation (Part A) mark here 12  
Late submission penalty  

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