12 September, 2018


For the complete essay contact me on writingdoers@gmail.com the essay is 5,000 words

1. Introduction
Plastic recycling is the process of getting back a scrap of plastic wastes and transforming it into a more useful use. Once plastics have been used for the purpose intended for in many instances it is discarded to the general public. Due to its properties, it does not break down as intended which causes harm to the environment. The idea of plastic recycling was born to help keep the environment clean and hence remove the plastic waste products from harming the environment. The process of recycling breaks down the components used to make plastic then it is sent back to the company to be processed again to come up with new plastic materials which can be used for different purposes. The process has helped safeguard our environment and also pollution. Plastic has been known to cause pollution in our environment. Environmental pollution happens when agents which are foreign are introduced to the environment knowingly or unknowingly it results in the environment being contaminated. As a result of the pollution of an environment, the organisms which make up the natural habitat which was polluted dies off.
2. Thesis Statement
3. Stages in Plastic Recycling

8. Conclusion.
In conclusion, recycling plastic is very vital in the fight for reducing pollution levels in the world. This fight is a must win because all the life on the planet require the good environment to ensure they breed and continue living. The governments should come up with strict rules, laws, and regulation to handle these elusive but yet important issue. The world can not afford to lose the war against the recycling of plastic waste. The laws should be tough on people or companies who violate them. High fines and huge prison sentences should be on the table for such people because their actions can result in widespread suffering for the life on our precious planet. I can equate it to a threat against humanity because we all depend on the environment to live.
Some countries have come up with good policies which are working to safeguard their environments against plastic waste such as Germany who have a policy in place which pays people who collect plastic waste and deposit on some machine which operates like an ATM money machine. The individuals deposit the plastic waste such as water bottles and they are paid on spot. Such policies should be implemented so that users of the plastic can return the plastic waste to the companies who made them after using them for the uses it was intended.

9. Citation.
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