17 September, 2018

Email Administration Application

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You are an IT Support Administrator Specialist at SAU and are charged with the
task of creating email accounts for new hired falculty/sta_.
2 Your email application class should do the following:
_ Generate an email with the following syntax:
{ _rstname.lastname@dp.mga.edu
{ both _rstname and lastname should be lowercase
{ e.g: xin.yang@cs.mga.edu
{ e.g: ada.zhang@ee.mga.edu
_ Generate a random password string with the following characters:
{ The default length of the random password is 10
{ e.g: RSBBT!##CX
_ You need to ask the user to enter its department number, then generate the depart-
ment code based on the entered number.
{ The department codes:
_ if none leave blank : 0
_ cs(computer scienc): 1
_ act(accounting): 2
_ ee(electrical engineering): 3
Data fields: all are private
firstname, lastname, password, department, mailboxCapacity=500, passwordLength=10
Constructor with two parameters firstname and lastname (public)
setDepartment method to get department options from user (private,
call this in constructor)
Method to generate random password with the default passwordLength of 10 (private,
call this in constructor)
Method to change the password (public, call this in driver class)
Method to display the email, password and mailboxCapacity. (public,
call this in driver class)
3 Your driver class should do the following:
_ Create an object with the email app constructor with two parameters _rstname and
_ Call the display method by using the created object to display email address, pass-
word and mailbox capacity.
_ Test your password change method.

Will be Two java file

Run your program make sure it is working correctly.
Please submit your source files EmailApp.java and Email.java within the due date

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