09 June, 2021

Transitioning to NOSQL databases from Relational Database Management System

NoSQL database is the presentation of data in a different form from the tables with relations. The NoSQL as the name suggests the database doesn’t apply the usage of SQL queries. The relational database management system on the other hand applies SQL queries on tables with relationships between the different entities (Poojary, Poriya, & Nayak, 2015). The application of NoSQL has been as a result of increase level of data due to the internet. The internet has allowed organization to access huge levels of data which are crucial towards ensuring that better decision making process is achieved. The Relational Database Management System has been application by organization for an extensive period of time and it doesn’t suit the huge influx of data due to utilization of internet. The Relational Database Management System negatively affects the ability of an organization to identify patterns thus limiting the opportunities available.
Research problems
The Relational Database Management System has problem when handling huge volumes of data. The huge volumes of data are a big constraint to organizations. The huge volumes of data are as a result of data from different sources that are crucial to business operations. The different data types of information collected by organization are impossible to be stored in the relational database system. The other problem is the huge velocity of data thus making the relational database system unsuitable to handle the data (Poojary, Poriya, & Nayak, 2015).
Research questions
Does NoSQL solve the problem facing the Relational Database Management System?
What are the benefits of using NoSQL database for business operations?
Benefits of switching to NoSQL database
According to Mukherjee NoSQL database is beneficial as compared to RDBMS since it allows the storage of unstructured, semi-structured and structured data (Mukherjee, 2020). The NoSQL allows the data to be stored in a format closer to the actual data thus making it easier for interpretation by the organization. The ability of the NoSQL database to store data in different formats is important in ensuring that business organizations are able to gain a better understanding of a business situation because of the available data. The different type’s format of data allows better patterns on the data to be identified thus allowing improved decision making process. The NoSQL offers a better ability to the individual to perform updates and change of the fields and schema. As opposed to Relational Database Management System the NoSQL database is more flexible and allows the developer to keep changing the schema and field to suit the source of the data. The flexibility is important in ensuring that the data collected from the consumers is more advanced and suitable to the needs of the organization (Teodoro, Wei-Kleiner, Sundvall, Karlsson, & Lambrix, 2016). The consumer trends from the data keeps on changing thus it is important for the schema to change to suit the raw data. NoSQL fully utilizes the cloud resources thus reducing the downtime that might be experienced by the organizations. The Relational Database Management System is doesn’t fully utilize the cloud resources thus they are impacted by downtimes (Ali, Shafique, Raza, & Majeed, 2019). Downtimes in organization negatively affect the business processes of organizations. It results in delays of business operations thus negatively impacts the customer satisfaction level.
Ali, W., Shafique, M. U.,Raza, A., & Majeed, M. A. (2019). Comparison between SQL and NoSQL Databases and Their Relationship with Big Data Analytics. Asian Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology 4(2) , 1 - 10.
Mukherjee, S. (2020). The Battle between NoSQL Databases and RDBMS. SSRN Journal, Retrieved from https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3393986 , 1 - 7.
Poojary, D., Poriya, A., & Nayak, A. (2015). Type of nosql databases and its comparison with relational databases. International Journal of Applied Information Systems , 16 - 19.
Teodoro, D., Wei-Kleiner, F., Sundvall, E., Karlsson, D., & Lambrix, P. (2016). Comparing the Performance of NoSQL Approaches for Managing Archetype-Based Electronic Health Record Data. Plos One , 1 - 16.

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