30 June, 2019

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The article is direct to the point regarding the issue of communication when it comes to incident response team. The task involves trying to solve a problem after a breach into the network as occurred. The team should be able to understand each other as it has been specified by the writer. The writer perfectly addresses the future of computers and goes to the depth of even giving an example of a movie which tries to give a picture of how the future will look like. The future of technology with perfect utilization of huge data available will bring different advantages to us.
According to the writer computer forensic keeps on changing and growing every single day. It is a fact which I as an individual agree with. The computer forensic field keeps growing every single day and as a result an individual needs to keep on researching and reading new materials. The writer also highlights the issue of certificate and experience which is required to work in the computer forensic field. The aspect of block chain technology used by cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin is a mirror of how our future will look like. The technology gives additional security to the system which makes it impossible to get into the system.
According to the writer the incident response team should be equipped with necessary personal knowledge to handle the challenge which is brought around with the task. They should posses’ personal technical skills to handle different types of breaches into the network. They should also be able to communicate perfectly. This will enable the team members to reduce the risk of the hack by mitigating the issue quick.  The writer also highlights the impact which computer forensic has brought to the world. The application of the computer forensic to the general technology world also is a part which is critical in ensuring security.
The writer highlights the key logger type of attacks which keeps tracks of all keyboard strokes and sends it to the attacker. They exist in both software and hardware types, the one which is the most dangerous is the software type. This is because it is very hard to detect making unless an antivirus scan Is conducted. The hardware can be detected physically and hence it can be removed. Black box testing is conducted without prior information about the network and it is conducted by hackers while white box testing is conducted by security officers with an aim of testing the network. Port scanning can be stopped using different security installations has put across by the writer.  Port scanning can be divestating to a network when done to get
Antivirus and anti-malwares are the first line of defense but they don’t detect every threat towards a computers system as implied by the writer. Some threats are physical and are to be detected through a physical security sweep which is tasked to look for the threats and delete them. These kind of physical threats exist as mostly key loggers which track all the key strokes made on a computer system. Black box testing popular among hackers is done without knowing the logic behind how the system operates the attacker has no knowledge about how the network work which makes it a black box testing. A white box testing the attacker knows how the system works and tries to test if they can withstand a real attack from hackers. Port scan is stopped by installing a good security system such as intrusion prevention system, intrusion detection system and a good firewall.

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