07 September, 2018

Write a 2-part program as follows:

  • Part 1: Write a function to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
  • Part 2: Write a function to convert Farenheit to Celsius
Both of the functions (Celsius to Farenheit and Farenheit to Celsius) are the exact inverses of one another.
Test the program by converting 32 degrees Farenheit to Celsius and then the product of that function back to Farenheit.
Capture screenshots of your code and output for each conversion. Paste the screenshot into a Word document.
In addition, write a 1/2-page response to the following:
  • When you converted 32 degrees Farenheit to Celsius and back to Farenheit, did you get 32 again? 
  • Try different numbers and state when it does work and when it doesn't work. Explain why.
Submit your assignment using the Assignment Files tab.

brain is structure

Examine the fundamentals of how the brain is structured, how each individual neuron uses electrical signals to process information, and how the neuron in turn releases chemical neurotransmitters to affect other neurons and, ultimately, to produce behavior.  

Write a 4- to 5-page paper that addresses the following:
* Describe the divisions of the brain that research psychologists are most interested in and explain why.
* Describe what divisions of the brain you might be interested in researching and explain why.

APA format 
plagiarism free 

      The objective of this week's deliverable is to provide Robert M. Lopez with a business report presentation of your findings.

      Use the modified spreadsheet that you submitted in Module 04 for this deliverable.
      Your report should visually identify:
      1. Outliers
      2. Sales consultants trending towards noncompliance
      Using the excel spreadsheet as input, create a visual representation of the data. Use the visual representation of the data in a 2-3 slide PowerPoint of your findings.

      4 PAGEs

      Mahon, M. (2015). U.S. Spends More on Health Care Than Other High-Income Nations but Has Lower Life Expectancy, Worse Health. Retrieved from http://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/press-releases/2015/oct/us-spends-more-on-health-care-than-other-nations
      After completing the assigned readings, you should have a basic understanding of the characteristics and components of the U.S. health care delivery system.

      Review the following assumptions regarding health care in the U.S (Greenwald, 2010). Although these assumptions are widely publicized, they might be disputed with critical thinking. 
      Evaluate additional literature and consider each of the following assumptions. Explain why you believe the statement is true or false.

      · The U.S. Spends too much on health care services.
      · The poor lack health care.
      · The systems in other countries are better.
      · The U.S. Health care system is in crisis today.
      · Health care is a right.

      Greenwald, H. (2010). Health Care in the United States: Organization, Management and Policy. John Wiley & Sons: San Francisco, CA

          Suppose you decide (as did Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg) to start a company.

          Your product is a software platform that integrates a wide range of media devices, including laptop computers, desktop computers, digital video recorders, and cell phones. Your initial market is the student body at your university. Once you have established your company and set up procedures for operating it, you plan to expand to other colleges in the area and eventually to go nationwide. At some point, hopefully sooner rather than later, you plan to go public with an IPO and then to buy a yacht and take off for the South Pacific to indulge in your passion for underwater photography. With these issues in mind, you need to answer for yourself, and potential investors, the following questions.
          1. What is an agency relationship? When you first begin operations, assuming you are the only employee and only your money is invested in the business, would any agency conflicts exist? Explain your answer
          2. If you expanded and hired additional people to help you, might that give rise to agency problems?
          3. Suppose you need additional capital to expand and you sell some stock to outside investors. If you maintain enough stock to control the company, what type of agency conflict might occur?
          4. Suppose your company raises funds from outside lenders. What type of agency costs might occur? How might lenders mitigate the agency costs?
          5. Suppose your company is very successful and you cash out most of your stock and turn the company over to an elected board of directors. Neither you nor any other stockholders own a controlling interest (this is the situation at most public companies). List six potential managerial behaviors that can harm a firm’s value.
          6. What is corporate governance? List five corporate governance provisions that are internal to a firm and are under its control.
          7. What characteristics of the board of directors usually lead to effective corporate governance?
          8. List three provisions in the corporate charter that affect takeovers.
          9. Briefly describe the use of stock options in a compensation plan. What are some potential problems with stock options as a form of compensation?
          10. What is block ownership? How does it affect corporate governance?
          11. Briefly explain how regulatory agencies and legal systems affect corporate governance

          Assignment 1: Communication Perspectives and Power

          In this module, you read about and discussed three emerging perspectives that influence communication within organizations. Further, you gained insight into how each perspective alone may not be sufficient and how a combination of components from some of the traditional and emerging perspectives might better address twenty-first-century interpersonal and organizational communications. The task for this assignment is to apply the emerging theories in addressing a communications issue you have experienced in your organization.
          On the basis of your research and experience, in a minimum of 300–500 words, respond to the following:
          • Consider and discuss one communication issue you have experienced in your organization.
          • Apply the postmodern, critical, and feminist communication perspectives independently to resolve the communication issue.
          • Identify and analyze the communication perspective that you feel best explains this issue.
          • Ensure your response additionally addresses the power component of each perspective.
          • Support your answer with relevant examples, personal experiences, and citational support from academic research sources.
          Use resources from professional literature in your research. Professional literature may include the Argosy University online library resources; relevant textbooks; peer-reviewed journal articles; and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, or .gov).


              STRIDE is a popular threat modeling technique commonly used to discover the security weaknesses of a software system.

              For this assignment 

              (a) research and discuss the limitations associated with STRIDE, 

              (b) Create your own attack tree using the example in Chapter 4 "Example Attack Tree" p95 as a reference point, 

              (c) research and discuss the limitations associated with attack trees and attack libraries. Please state your answer in a 1- 4 page paper in APA format. 

              Include citations and sources in APA style.