29 May, 2017


Develop a Java application that determines the gross pay for each of three (3) employees.
The company pays straight time for the first 40 hours worked by each employee and time and a half for all hours worked in excess of 40. You’re given a list of employees, their number of hours worked last week, and their hourly rates [create your own information/data here to input into the program]. Your program should input this information/data for each employee, then determine and display the employee’s gross pay. Use class Scanner to input the employee data. Use the follow Screenshot to help code a possible solution. Note: Answers will vary based on the “fake” information/data that you chose to enter in for each employee.

Contact me on writingdoers@gmail.com or Whatsap me at +254740674142 for the source code


Note: Assignment 1 requires you to create five (5) programs.
Program 1 In this new age of Technology (Website, social media, etc., we have been given the opportunity to minister and serve others in many ways. Using the techniques you have learned in this chapter, write a Program which displays at least 5 different sentences that explain how technology has been used to win souls to Christ.

Program 2 Write a portion of a Program for a church’s website. The Program will be used for a chatting feature, which will include an Input Box (Dialog Boxes and the JOptionPane)that requests the user’s name. The message box will include the user’s name and the Scripture of the Day (chapter and verse only). The Program will be similar to the text below: Welcome, Bob, To The Liberty University Website! The Scripture for the day is: Matthew 6:11 The assignment must have the following statements and components as demonstrated in the text:1 Java file and 1 Class file, Variable, Input Statement, and Program will follow Java Programming Conventions as shown in the Grading Rubric.

Program 3 Exercise 2.14JHTP: Write an application that displays the numbers 1 to 4 on the same line, with each pair of adjacent numbers separated by 1 space. Use the following techniques to accomplish learning the three ways to print using Java.
a. Use 1 System.out.println statement
b. Use 4 System.out.print statements
c. Use 1System.out.printf statement Program 4

Exercise 2.15JHTP: Write an application that ask the user to enter 2 integers, obtains them from the user and prints their sum, product, difference and quotient (division). Use the techniques shown in

Figure 2.7. Program5 Exercise 2.26 JHTP: Write an application that reads 2 integers, determines whether the first is a multiple of the second and prints the result. [Hint: Use the remainder operator.]

Contact me on writingdoers@gmail.com or Whatsap me at +254740674142 for the source code