28 June, 2022

Network Systems and Administration CIS114-6

Assignment 1 – Portfolio
1. Demonstrate deep and systematic understanding of system and networking concepts, including principles, technologies, and emerging trends.
2. Scientifically and critically analyse, implement and evaluate networking techniques, technologies, strategies and methodologies used in industry. Apply analytical and problem-solving skills in order to select and implement networking solutions appropriate to multiple organisational and environmental contexts.
This Referral assessment will require you to repair your previous work (if a submission was made and failed) by following the feedback given to you by the markers, the General Feedback on BREO, and also follow the assessment brief requirements as stated below.
This assessment is an individual portfolio consisting of a report (50%) and software solution (50%) for a case study covering the development, implementation, configuration, and maintenance of a network solution based on an industry standard network operating system. A final report of up to 5000 words will be submitted where you are required to fully justify your design, implementation and configuration, provide a detailed testing strategy to test your configured services, create a maintenance plan as appropriate to the case, and critically evaluate your work.
AcmeAccounting is a small business running from a small office in Luton. The company owner has been reliant on using Microsoft Office applications for her work. However, due to the increase in clients, she wants to set up a Linux client-server network infrastructure running the essential network services to allow her install and run a MySQL database application along with other business applications. You have been hired to use an industry Linux distribution that you must install from scratch (no pre-built VM is to be used – 20 marks deduction if this is done) on VirtualBox (preferred) or VMWare Player, to create a client-server network (i.e. 2 VMs). The network is expected to have more clients added to connect to the server.
You are then required to demonstrate four network services that should be installed, configured, tested based on a clear testing strategy, and fully reported with configuration details and full justifications for all actions done including commands details and their parameters. Your report should also cover a maintenance plan and a short (500 words)
critical evaluation of your work. The network services that you can use are:
Wireshark must be used to explain the traffic at packet level from client to server.
When the Linux is installed, you MUST use a user that has the name of your student ID followed by your initials all preceded by c (for client) or s (for server) account, e.g. s12345678JS for student John Smith server account. This should appear in the prompt of the client and server. Failure to follow these instructions or not show them on all your screenshots will attract a 20 marks deduction.
Screenshots of all actions must be clearly shown in the report ensuring that the commands and their results are shown in these screenshots.
You VMs should be kept until end of Block 5 in case they are required for further checks.
1. Submit your single report saved in the following format: StudentID.docx. No compressed file is supposed to be submitted and will receive a 10 marks deduction if done.
2. Your submission is to be uploaded to the BREO link for the Assessment under ‘Assessment and Feedback’.

27 June, 2022

Project 7-1.

In this hands-on project, you use the shell to redirect the standard output and standard error to a file and take standard input from a file.

Project 6-4.

In this hands-on project, you use system rescue on both fedora and ubuntu server linux to check your root filesystem for errors and change the root user's password.

21 June, 2022

R programming interpretation

The model is adequate because the multiple r-squared score is 0.9797. It means that the model used is 97.97% compatible with the heart data.
X1 is the independent variable and for our case it is the biking variable
X2 is the controlling variable and for the case of these assignment it is the smoking variable.
Y is the dependent variable and four our case it is the heart disease variable.
ε is the error variable
The model is adequate because of the high multiple r-squared score of 0.9796. It means that the model is 97.96% suitable to be used investigate the impact of biking and smoking on the heart disease occurrence.
The validation that can be undertaken is as follows:-
• Determining linearity
• Finding homoscedasticity
• Determining presence or absence of multicollinearity
• Independence and normality of errors
I can validate the following:-
• Finding homoscedasticity
• Finding multicollinearity scores
The difference between the two tables are sum sq, mean sq and f value.
The first table explains that point increase in biking causes a 9090.6 impact on heart disease total sum while the second table shows that point increase in biking causes a 9183.8 on heart disease total sum.
The first table shows that a point increase in smoking causes 1086.0 impact on heart disease. The second table shows that a point increase by both smoking result in 992.7 impact on heart disease.
BIKING 1 9090.6 9090.6 21251.7
RESIDUAL 495 211.7 0.4 -
TOTAL 496 9302.3 9091.0 21251.7
A balanced design occurs where all the treatment groups have equal number of experiment units.
Yes the experiment is balanced
The 1 graduation group performed better based on all training methods and proficiency test while graduation group 3 performed the least.
The first model is better as compared to the second model. This is because the first model has a lower sum square residual of 47 as compared to the second model with sum square residual of 64.33. A point increase in graduation group has a 152.33 impact on the proficiency score while a point increase in the method of training as a 849.33 impact on proficiency score of students.
The Tukey HDS is suitable for the data because it is used to assess the significant difference between pairs of groups taking into consideration that both training methods and graduations exist in groups.
The training methods are suitable for the proficiency scores obtained based on the Tukey HDS. The training method p value is less that the 0.05 significant value thus the null hypothesis is rejected. The 2-1 graduation group p value is greater than the significant value thus fail to reject the null hypothesis. The 3-1 and 3-2 graduation groups p value is less than 0.05 significant value thus reject the null hypothesis.

20 June, 2022

Intermediate Econometrics

1. (20 points total) A research team wants to know how much does education affect wage rates. The team collected 1000 observations on hourly wage rates, education and other variables from the 2008 Current Population Survey. Wage is measured in earnings per hour (WAGE) and education (EDUC) denotes years of schooling. The following equation is estimated by least squares. The estimates and standard errors are
(WAGE) ̂ = 6.08 + 0.07〖EDUC〗^2 (1.02) (0.005)
(a) (5 points) Sketch the estimated regression function for EDUC= 0 to 20 years (in 5-yearly intervals).
(b) (5 points) Predict the wage of a person with 10 years of schooling.
(c) (5 points) Using each model, find the marginal effect of another year of experience on the expected worker rating for a worker with 10 years’ experience.
(d) (5 points) Construct a 95% interval estimate for the marginal effect found in part c.
  2. (30 points total) The life-cycle pattern of wages can be explained by MODEL 1 below
Wage=β_1+β_2 EDUC+β_3 EXPER+β_4 EXPER^2+ e (1)
The STATA output from estimating the equation using 1000 observations is
Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 1000 -------------+------------------------------ F( 3, 996) = 104.25 Model | 34973.3163 3 11657.7721 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual | 111382.245 996 111.829563 R-squared = 0.2390 -------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.2367 Total | 146355.561 999 146.502063 Root MSE = 10.575 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ wage | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- educ | 2.277391 .1394284 16.33 0.000 2.003784 2.550999 exper | .6820989 .1048198 6.51 0.000 .476406 .8877919 exper2 | -.0100907 .0018645 -5.41 0.000 -.0137495 -.006432 _cons | -13.43025 2.028486 -6.62 0.000 -17.41084 -9.449648 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The variance-covariance matrix is
educ exper exper2 _cons
educ .01944028
exper -.00021758 .01098718
exper2 .00001547 -.00018926 0.000003476
_cons -.21550584 -.12402316 .00182269 4.1147573
(a) (5 points) After how may years of experiece do wages start to decline? (Express your answer in terms of β’s?
(b) (5 points) What is the marginal effect of education on wages? Is it statistically significant at 5%?
(c) (5 points) Find the elasticity of wages with respect to experience when EXPER = 4. Is it statistically significant?
(d) (5 points) Find the 95% confidence interval for the marginal effect of experience on wages when EXPER = 4.
  After estimating Eq. (1), the residuals are obtained and plotted in the histogram below.
(e) (5 points) What is the reason for assuming that the error term e is normally distributed? Do you have evidence that this is true?
(e) (5 points) Another possible model of wages is
log⁡(Wage)=β_1+β_2 EDUC+β_3 EXPER+β_4 EXPER^2+ e (2)
Carefully explain, how would you evaluate if Model 1 or Model 2 is a better fit of the data?
3. (15 points total) Consider the model
y=β_1+β_2 x_2+ β_3 x_3+e
and suppose that application of least squares to 63 observations on these variables yields the following results ((cov(b)) ̂ denotes the estimated variance-covariance matrix.
[■(b_1@b_2@b_3 )]=[■(2@3@-1)], (cov(b)) ̂=[■(3&-2&1@-2&4&0@1&0&3)], σ ̂^2=2.5193 R^2=0.9
(a) (5 points) Test the hypothesis that β_2=0 using a 95% confidence interval.
(b) (5 points) Use a t-test to test the hypothesis H_0:β_1+2β_2=5 against the alternative H_1:β_1+2β_2≠5 at 10% significance level.
(c) (5 points) Use p-values to test the hypothesis H_0:β_1-β_2+β_3=4 against the alternative H_1:β_1-β_2+β_3≠4 at 5% significance level.
  4. (10 points total) Consider a model of wheat yield that allows for the yield response to be different for the three different periods
y=β_1+β_2 t+ β_3 rg+β_4 rd+β_5 rf+e (3)
y is the wheat yield in tonnes per hectare,
t is the trend term to allow for technological change,
rg is rainfall at germination (May-June),
rd is rainfall at development stage (July-August), and
rf is rainfall at flowering (September- October).
You estimated this model using 48 annual observations on a number of variables related to wheat yield in the Toodyay Shire of Western Australia, for the period 1950-1997. The unit of measurement for rainfall is centimeters.
The estimated results are below
Test the hypothesis that the response of yield to rainfall is the same irrespective of whether the rain falls during germination, development, or flowering. The results of the restricted model are:
5. (15 points total) Let us investigate if taking econometrics affect starting salary. Let SAL = salary in dollars, GPA= grade point average on a 4.0 scale (the higher one’s GPA is, the better is his/her academic performance), METRICS = 1 if student took econometrics and METRICS = 0 if otherwise. Using a sample of 50 recent graduates, we obtain the estimated regression
(a) (5 points) Interpret the estimated equation.
(b) (5 points) How would you modify the equation to see whether double international students had a higher starting salaries than local students?
(c) (5 points) How would you modify the equation to see if the value of econometrics was the same for international and local students?

MA Applied Imagination

MA Applied Imagination will help you become a problem-finder and change-maker. You will apply your imagination and question existing assumptions in the creative disciplines. This course is part of the Culture and Enterprise programme.
Why choose this course at Central Saint Martins
Festival of Applied Imagination: You will participate in the course festival, presenting your final project outcomes to your peers, professionals and to the public.
Interdisciplinary approach: You will work collaboratively through the interdisciplinarity and cultural cross-fertilisation that the Culture and Enterprise programme provides.
Experienced feedback: You will be given the opportunity to investigate your ideas through a series of interventions and obtain feedback from end users and key practitioners.
Independent research: The course structure allows for an extended period of independent research. You will be encouraged to use this for testing projects with external partners and stakeholders. This feature will develop your strengths in self-directed study and creative work, as well as building skills in creative networking.